CORESTA Congress 2012 in Sapporo

CORESTA Congress2012が9月28日すべての日程を終え、札幌の地で無事に成功裏に終了しました。




CORESTA Congress 2012 in Sapporo has finished with a great success after 1 and half years preparation time.

Being over 80 per cent of participants are from overseas, we have put extra importance on how we would welcome them, and how we would entertain them.  We hope all the participants have experienced the atmosphere of Sapporo and Japanese hospitality.

Accompanying persons’ programmes (tours and cultural programmes) also gave those who accompanied the participants the opportunity to enjoy the touch of Japanese cultures, Japanese calligraphy, flower arrangement, tea ceremony and Kimono wearing.  Madams in Kimono were very pretty and their smiles made us also very happy.

Tokyo, M.K.

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