The EU-Japan EPA @ 5: Time to Celebrate!

An evening reception was held to celebrate the fifth anniversary of the Japan-EU Economic Partnership Agreement (EPA). The event was attended by about 150 stakeholders from Europe and Japan, including the officials from EU embassies and related Japanese ministries, as well as company representatives. There was a lively discussion on further strengthening cooperation and mutual trade between Europe and Japan. The opening speeches featured presentations on successful joint projects and business survey results. After the testimonies, a networking reception was held alongside with a showcasing of European and Japanese food products.

EU EPAイベント

日・EU経済連携協定(EPA: Economic Partnership Agreement)発効5周年を祝してイベントが開かれました。招待者の中にはEU各国の大使館関係者や日本の関連省庁、企業代表等が多く方が参加し、欧州と日本間の更なる緊密な協力と互恵貿易について議論が盛り上がっていました。セミナーでは、合同プロジェクトの成功事例やビジネス調査の結果を発表し、セミナー後は、ヨーロッパの食品展示を巡りながら、ネットワーキングレセプションを開催しました。

(Tokyo, JN)