Posts Tagged ‘Asia Smart City’

The 6th Asia Smart City Conference


The 6th Asia Smart City Conference has completed successfully in Yokohama from Oct 25 to 27, 2017.

The aim of the conference was to achieve smart and sustainable urban growth in Asia by enhancing city-to-city collaboration and partnership among cities and related international institutions. There were 200 participants including mayors and other representatives from 25 cities as well as the Japanese government, international organizations, embassies, academic institutions, private companies and numerous other organizations and institutions etc.

Along with the side events held by the World Bank/ADB and Youth Event held by City of Yokohama, participants also shared their know-how on smart cities in 4 Thematic Meetings in different themes – “Wastes and sludge treatment in smart cities”, “Approaches towards energy saving/low carbon urban development”, “Use of ICT/Big Data” and “Japanese experience”.

With a fruitful discussion in the Roundtable Sessions, “Yokohama Declaration” was adopted by the participants and will soon be reported to the Conference of the Parties 23 (COP23), to be held in Bonn, Germany in November this year, and to other relevant international conferences.

(Tokyo, JW)