


世界作業療法士連盟(WFOT:World Federation of Occupational Therapists)の加盟73カ国・地域のうち実に70カ国・地域から総勢6,400名を超える参加者があり、5日間にわたって熱いディスカッションが繰り広げられました。


16th International Congress of the World Federation of Occupational Therapists in collaboration with the 48th Japanese Occupational Therapy Congress and Expo (WFOT Congress 2014) was held from 18th to 21st June 2014 in Pacifico Yokohama.

With the honour of attendance of Their Majesties of Emperor and Empress of Japan at the Opening Ceremony, this congress is acclaimed as the epoch-making event to all the occupational therapists around the world, with the acknowledgement of the importance of occupational therapy within the society.

It was a true epoch-making congress with over 6,400 participants from 70 countries and regions and participants were engaged in lively and active discussions throughout these 5 days programme (considering that the member associations of WFOT is 73, you may imagine the impact of this congress!).

Although the congress is closed, we hope we were also engaged in the future development of occupational therapy across the boundaries.

(Tokyo, MN)

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