Posts Tagged ‘Harvard University Medical School’

Dana-Faber Cancer Institute MM Workshop

Dana-Faber Cancer Institute MM Workshop

Dana-Faber Cancer Institute MM Workshop

Dana-Faber Cancer Institute MM Workshop was held on 9th and 10th December, 2010 at Dana-Faber Cancer Institute, Harvard University Medical School, Boston, MA.

This workshop is held every year in conjunction with ASH, and Convention Linkage, Inc. serves as a secretariat of this workshop, in collaboration with Dana-Faber Cancer Institute.

The workshop this year had 19 participants from Japan and 2 from Boston, and engaged in active discussions with lecturers from DFCI.

On the 2nd day, Japanese myeloma doctors gave 2 case study presentations, concluding 2-day workshop in Boston.

Boston in this season is extremely cold, with the highest temperature on 9th was -2 Degree Celsius, and the lowest at -11 Degree Celsius.  Despite this chilly weather outside, all the participants had a lively and hot discussion at the workshop.

(Tokyo KY)