Archive for the ‘コンベンション’ Category

Nagoya Declaration 2015


“The 8th Asia-Oceania Conference on Obesity (AOCO2015)” was successfully completed at Nagoya Congress Center from October 2 (Fri.) to 4 (Sun.)

As you may already read a morning newspaper on October 4 (Sun.), the “Nagoya Declaration 2015” was released during the meeting.
For making this conference success, the representatives from AOASO members (Australia, Hong Kong, India, Japan, Korea, Malaysia, New Zealand, Philippines, Singapore, and Taiwan) had a heated discussion on obesity disease through various steps. If you are interested for further details, please visit the official website (

We hope many participants will get together at the next meeting in Adelaide, Australia, in 2017.

(Tokyo, MN)


第3回国連防災世界会議/Third UN World Conference on Disaster Risk Reduction


2015年3月14日(土)~3月18日(水)の5日間、仙台にて第3回国連防災世界会議が開催されました。 開会式には天皇皇后両陛下、安倍総理をはじめとした日本政府関係者、また世界各国首脳級が開会式に出席され盛り上がりを見せる中、幕開けとなりました。 会議中は連日各国の代表団により議論が繰り広げられ、今後2015年~2030年の活動枠組みの指針「仙台防災枠組」と政治メッセージ「仙台宣言」が採択され、同日の閉幕式にて発表されました。 本体会議の他にも仙台市主要施設にて350を超えるサイドイベント(シンポジウムやパブリックフォーラム)が開催され、国連加盟国の186カ国の代表団また国内外から述べ14万人以上の参加者が仙台を訪れ開催期間中、寒い東北地方の風を吹き飛ばすように仙台市は大勢の来訪者の熱気に溢れておりました。復興に向けて歩む東北、また国際コンベンション都市としての仙台市の今後の歩みの出発点ともいえるこの貴重な会議に会議通訳者名42、運営スタッフ延べ220名が運営に携われたことを光栄に思います。また参加者、国連関係者と地元の方々をもてなす良い交流の場となり地元仙台市民の今後の国際交流への意識改革、また被災された大勢の方への励ましの機会になったのではと存じます。 最終日にはスタッフの運営(performance)が評価され、国連よりリンケージスタッフ一人一人へ感謝状(Certificate)を頂きました。 今後より一層世界各国と日本が繋がり、連携して防災に取り組んでゆくことができることを祈念いたします。




Representatives from more than 186 countries from all over the world gathered for WCDRR (Third UN World Conference on Disaster Risk Reduction) held from 14th to 18th March 2015 at Sendai International Center and the new exhibition hall.

Their Majesties the Emperor and Empress of Japan, and Prime Minister Shinzo Abe graced the occasion along with delegates from all over the world, and the opening ceremony of the conference was held on 14th March.

More than a hundred and forty thousand people in total visited Sendai city in order to participate in this conference and more than 350 side events such as a Public Forum and Symposium were held at the various venues in Sendai city. It was almost as though the cold Tohoku winter wind was blown away by the heated atmosphere in the city.

As parts of Tohoku are still recovering from the pain of the disaster that happened on 3.11.2011, and also as a growing International Convention City in Japan, this conference is a starting place for future change. It was our honor that 42 conference translators and 220 operation staff could be part of this conference. The conference has also provided a good opportunity for the citizens of Sendai to welcome and to share their time with the participants from overseas. This experience will surely be a memorable moment and an encouragement for those who were affected by the disaster. On the final day of the conference, each one of our staff received certificates from the UN in recognition of their good management and support for this conference.

We hope that Japan will continue to build good relationships with the rest of the world to prevent and to prepare for any future disasters.


A Happy Reunion with UN Interpreters at the UN WCDRR in Sendai!

Do you know how many languages are spoken at the United Nations?

Although the UN is made up of 193 member nations and they speak multiple languages, the UN official languages are only six: Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Russian, and Spanish.

Since the 3rd World Conference on Disaster Risk Reduction was taken place in Sendai from March 14 to 18, 2015, we set up seven interpretation booths for the UN and Japanese interpreters at each meeting rooms.  When we distributed the updated documents to each booth, we incidentally spotted familiar faces and realized that some of them were the same members at the COP10/MOP5 in Aichi-Nagoya in 2010.  How wonderful reunion!

Even though we had not seen each other in 5 years, there had been unfailing friendship between us.  After the closing ceremony, they gave us a message card and we pledged another reunion someday, somewhere, and somehow.

(Tokyo, KK)

UNESCO World Conference on Education for Sustainable Development


2014年11月4日(火)~12日(水)の9日間、岡山と名古屋にて「UNESCO World Conference on Education for Sustainable Development」(持続可能な開発のための教育のための教育に関するユネスコ世界会議)及びその関連会合が開催されました。

この関連会議の1つである、「The International Conference on Higher Education for Sustainable Development: Higher Education beyond 2014」(持続可能な開発のための高等教育に関する国際会議~ 2014 年以降の高等教育のあり方 ~)が、名古屋大学豊田講堂 にて11月9日(日)に開催され、併催された学生サミットの参加者を含め、 国内外から合計742名の高等教育の関係者や学生が参加し、持続可能な開発のための高等教育についての熱い議論が繰り広げられました。
この成果は「持続可能な開発のための高等教育に関する名古屋宣言」として採択され、名古屋市で10日~12日に開催された閣僚級会合及び全体会合のとりまとめ会合でも 発表されました。




(東京, MT)

日中大学フェア&フォーラム in China 2014


2014年3月14日-24日11日間にわたり科学技術振興機構が主催する「日中大学フェア&フォーラムin China 2014」が、北京・杭州・上海にて開催されました。





(上海 S.I.)

The 7th Asian Administrators Meeting on HIV/AIDS


The 7th Asian Administrators Meeting on HIV/AIDSThe hot weather in Bangkok welcomed the 20 participants from the Asia-Pacific region at the Queen Sirikit National Convention Center on November 19, 2013 for the 7th Asian Administrators Meeting on HIV/AIDS.   The meeting was held in conjunction with the 11th ICAAP (International Congress on AIDS in Asia and the Pacific).

Extensive discussions were held for 1 day where government administrators and civil society came together to share their experiences.  The meeting proved especially effecitve in showing each other the shortcomings and areas for need of improvement.
Each participant left the meeting with a strong will to take back the experiences learned from the meeting to implement into the policies back in each of their respective countries.

The following meeting will be held in Dhaka Bangladesh in 2015, which is also when the 12th ICAAP is going to be held.  I hope to see the participants once again in Dhaka.

(Tokyo, EJ)

AARS 2013
– 2013 9th International Symposium on Aminoacyl-tRNA Synthetases –


There were lots of enjoyable events and big smiles during the meeting!
We welcomed a Nobel Prize laureate, Prof. Thomas A. Steitz, as one of the lecturers and spent a pleasurable time at Hakone from October 6 to 11.

Since most of the participants were closed friends, they looked very happy to have a reunion and attend many social events: Welcome Party, Banquet, Dance Party, Excursions, and BBQ Farewell Party.  I was especially moved by their dance communication at the party.  Needless to say, the background music played by the organizer’s band was awesome!

I hope they will get reacquainted with each other at the next meeting in 2014 in Athens-Greece!

(Tokyo, RM)

The 6th ASEAN-Japan Information Security Policy Meeting


The warm weather in Manila was a welcome break from the
coolness that has recently arrived in Tokyo.

About 40 participants from 10 ASEAN member countries gathered
at the Heritage Hotel Manila on October 8th and 9th for the 6th
ASEAN Japan Information Security Policy Meeting. H.E Mario G.
Montejo, the Secretary of the Department of Science and Technology
graced us with his presence at the opening of the meeting.

Extensive discussions were held over 1.5 days where country policies
concerning cyber security were presented and discussed. This meeting
has reached it sixth time and looks to futher promote cyber security in
the region. The following meeting is planned to be held in Tokyo
next year hosted by the Japanese government which we hope we
can assist once again.

(Tokyo D.K.)

IFAC-AAC2013 自動車制御の国際シンポ



IFAC-AAC2013(7th IFAC International Symposium on Advances in Automotive Control)が9月4日(水)~7日(土)の4日間、国立オリンピック記念青少年総合センターにて行われました。









(東京 MO)



The Fifth Tokyo International Conference on African Development (TICAD V) was successfully held from June 1-3, 2013 at Pacifico Yokohama. With over 39 visiting head of states from 51 African nations and various international organizations the conference received wide attention from the media. We had the chance to run the International Media Center that was held in Exhibition Hall A alongside various other African related side events in conjunction with the conference. Over 200 press, both international and domestic, utilized the International Media Center and our staff was busy through the three whole days answering a variety of questions.

Tokyo, E.A.

The Booming City of Singapore


I had the chance to go to Singapore on a business trip to promote Medical Tourism for the Northern Island of Hokkaido. At the same time however I had some time during my trip to view the Marina Bay Sands resort hotel completed several years ago. My last trip to this Southern Island was more than 4 years ago and I was surprised at how drastically the city skyline had changed. The Marina area had become a glistening jewel in this Southern oasis. I also had the chance to take a tour of the hotel and was pleasantly surprised. The way the Marina Bay Sands area is created insures you can stay within the premises and hold a convention, all connected by passageways underground. After the meeting you can enjoy shopping and also gambling, if you are up to the challenge, with the adjacent facilities. With this new attraction many conventions are sure to be attracted to this exciting city and many business opportunities are sure to arise.

Tokyo, E.G.


11月24日(土)~ 26日(月)の3日間、慶應義塾大学・日吉キャンパス(横浜)にて、「第26回日本エイズ学会学術集会・総会」が開催されました。
(東京 RM)



知事招宴では、昨年9月に台風による水害で大きな被害を受けた十津川村より国の重要無形民族文化財にもしていされている「十津川の大踊り」を披露していただき、 村の復興を打ち出していただきました。
(大阪 NK)

CORESTA Congress 2012 in Sapporo


CORESTA Congress2012が9月28日すべての日程を終え、札幌の地で無事に成功裏に終了しました。




CORESTA Congress 2012 in Sapporo has finished with a great success after 1 and half years preparation time.

Being over 80 per cent of participants are from overseas, we have put extra importance on how we would welcome them, and how we would entertain them.  We hope all the participants have experienced the atmosphere of Sapporo and Japanese hospitality.

Accompanying persons’ programmes (tours and cultural programmes) also gave those who accompanied the participants the opportunity to enjoy the touch of Japanese cultures, Japanese calligraphy, flower arrangement, tea ceremony and Kimono wearing.  Madams in Kimono were very pretty and their smiles made us also very happy.

Tokyo, M.K.

IBC 2012 (XXIth International Biometric Society)


IBC 2012が6日間の日程で神戸で開催されました。


神戸花鳥園で開催されたConference Dinnerでは、いつもの懇親会とは一味違い、色とりどりの花に囲まれた空間で、舞妓さんのお出迎えに始まり、餅つき、主催者による生演奏と、最後には参加者も踊り出すほど大変盛り上がりました。
受付にTake Freeで設置した折り紙アートが大変好評で、些細な事ですが日本らしさを伝えられた事を嬉しく思います。


(大阪 NK)

Tokyo Conference on Afghanistan held on July 8.


On July 8th at the Tokyo Prince Park Tower the Tokyo Conference on Afghanistan was held under the direction of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan.
Over 1000 participants from 82 countries and organizations gathered together in Japan to reconfirm the economic assistance and support to the Afghanistan region and government.
As a staff of the Tokyo Conference on Afghanistan it was a long month of preperation before the opening of the event.

At last, security was very tight and set at a high level on-site, as in attendance was UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon, Afghanistan President Hamid Karzai , US Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton, and many more distinguished guests.
However there were no significant problems on-site and the event ended very smoothly.

(Tokyo, E.G.)

Getting ready to welcome in Yokohama! – WFOT 2014


2014年6月18日~21日の横浜開催へ向けて準備を進めている「第16回世界作業療法士連盟大会(WFOT 2014)」への参加促進のため、スゥエーデン・ストックホルム市の関連大会 へ行ってきました。

今回、呼びかけをするのは5/24-27のCOTEC 2012に参加するヨーロッパを中心とする46カ国、955名の作業療法士の方。会場内に設置された世界作業療法士連盟(WFOT)本部の展示ブースを中心に、大会テーマの紹介や今年12月に開始予定の演題および参加登録のご案内とともに、開催地となる日本と横浜の魅力を折り紙や浴衣の着付デモをプラスしアピールを行いました。

展示ブースでのPR活動に加え、期間中に開催されたノーベル賞晩餐会会場であるストックホルム市庁舎での歓迎レセプションや屋外博物館内でのコングレスディナーなどのソーシャルイベントへの参加を通じ、多くの方々と直接の交流がはかれ、最終日にすれ違う方々とは「See you in Yokohama!」が合言葉のようになり、2年先の横浜での再会が 今から心待ちです。

Very much looking forward to see you all in Yokohama in 2014!!

(東京 KS)

IASGO 2011 in Tokyo


iasgo2011IASGO 2011 in Tokyo was held from November 9 to 12, 2011.
We welcomed to Japan more than 900 participants from 59 countries from around the world.

The theme for the Congress was “What’s New in Tokyo 2011”, and there were various sessions featuring the latest topics on categories in surgery, gastroenterology and oncology.  Attendees had very fruitful discussions through the course of the Congress, and in particular, asked senior specialists at the session “Meet the Professors” on the most updated information.

They enjoyed various events such as Hanagasa Dance, the Sword Master KAMUI, GAMARJOBAT, and Kyogen.  Foreign participants, especially, had fun dancing and playing samurai on the stage.  We also received many heartwarming messages that they were very impressed by our Japanese hospitality.

(Tokyo, RM)



Worldsleep2011(The 6th World Congress of the World Sleep Federation)が6日間の日程で、京都にて開催されました。





(大阪 AN)




- 全会一致で名古屋議定書を採択! -






緊張が続いた議事を中断したパーティでは、さまざまなスピーチ、歌、踊りが続き、「We are the world」の大合唱も会場中をこだましています。











